What does Patience mean to us?

Patience is by far the most manipulated word I have come across is. Here’s a fun activity to do; ask people around you of varied ages what they mean when they say ‘have patience’. You will get a mixed answers, some may make you feel pessimistic about it, some may make you feel good. You see, patience is like a shawl that all of us have had to wrap ourselves with at some point in our lives. Based on how our issues were resolved we define patience. A lot of the people take patience as a miracle that will cure all problems, but their way to practicing it is just sad.

Patience around me mostly has been defined as to bearing with whatever is happening, basically putting up with whatever rubbish it is that is going on in your life. Now mostly our problems are due to others around us and not so much because of ourselves. So once we do whatever we can to resolve our problems, we have to be patient while others continue to be the way they are and hence continue to mess with our lives. Spiritual people will manipulate patience with no end. They will say God will reward you for your patience (as defined earlier in this para), you shall go to heaven for your patient (ditto) blah blah blah….But I was never satisfied, why would my own creator want me to just sit and suffer?

So I got very interested in the topic of patience/Sabr and found much to read, and understand. Some of the stuff didn’t set with me, as humans we always try to apply every concept to our own personal lives and see if it fits, and if it doesn’t or seems like it doesn’t we totally reject the idea/concept/belief. In Islam patience is of different types, there is much reward for the one who is practicing patience etc etc. Understood. My ultimate understanding of patience was discovered in an interview of Maulana Jaun, it wasn’t even on the topic of patience BTW, but in his talk he cleared the air about it. And that is when the cloud of confusion moved away. However this cloud is one stubborn cloud and keeps coming back, and pushes us to despair.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJikMBB99AA]

As struggles in life increase with age, I have noticed that the most difficult problems are the ones caused by others. We don’t control the universe, and anxiety can totally take over our sanity and leave us pessimistic, sad and depressed. The worst state that one can reach due to such happenings in life is despair AKA Yas. (It is the second greater sin in Islam). Basically once you reach there, it’s all downhill!

Anyway, today being the first day of the month of Ramadan, I decided to listen to a lecture I had saved in my ‘watch later’ list on Youtube. Usually in life I have noticed that I go looking for something but somehowI end up with something more. I guess it’s Gods way of guiding His people. Just like the lecture above I actually went about to know more and learn more from and about Bibi Zainab (AS) since I share her name and believe it is important for us to understand the affect of the name of the person on whom you have been named.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6tghm7pLW0]

It just so happened that Sheikh Jaffer in this lecture speaks about the various good qualities of her, but focuses the majority of his lecture on Patience, and while some of the information (like the types of patience) was already familiar to me, it was his explanation that answered some of my questions, brought peace to my heart, and most importantly gave me the inspiration to be more patient.

Patience in all it’s true meaning, means to be steadfast, while waiting for the results. And so you don’t sit thinking patience is the finality of your struggle, it is what will enable you to work, struggle, move to make things better.  The truth is that it’s a phase, and Islamically your patience being tested is a sign that you are chosen to be tested.

As mothers and human beings, we have the responsibility of a society on us as we nurture future adult members of the society. It also the responsibility of the fathers, but I am focusing on mothers because I am one. And I firmly believe and second Maulana Jaffer in educating and supporting our children in understanding what patience is. And most importantly as parents we need to not just jabber about the theory of patience, but be brave role models. We all know that children learn through what they see, and they should see the beauty in our struggles, so that they are chosen for bigger struggles and grow closer to their creator, and also become the support system for others who are going through a difficult time.

Anyone can make you laugh to take your mind off worries, but it is a true human who will help you through your difficult time by showing you how to be patient, and be patient with you while you struggle 🙂


  • Nayantara Hegde

    May 28, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    Ramadan Kareem to you and your loved ones. Patience is such an important virtue. I do believe half the world’s problems would end if people had patience. And I used to think I am a patient person until I became a mother. There are days when I lose it completely and end up in despair. There are better days when I reason out and try and understand what is causing me to feel this way… these days I usually succeed in turning around and winning the moment. Rare though. hahah


  • Shubhreet Kaur

    May 29, 2017 at 9:00 am

    You have raised such good points. It’s definitely a virtue I struggle with if I can be honest and something I constantly try to improve. 🙂 I love what you have said in the end – It takes a true human who will help you through your difficult time. Becoming that human be everyone’s goal! 🙂


  • manveen

    May 29, 2017 at 9:09 am

    This makes so much sense. Patience has so many connotations,each more diverse than the other. This is such a thought provoking piece. The video is very profound too!

    Have a blessed Ramazan!


  • Minakshi Bajpai

    May 29, 2017 at 9:15 am

    Happy Ramadam Rooshna. You have picked a very important subject today. Patience is the key to all the problems of world.


  • Shipra Trivedi

    May 29, 2017 at 10:33 am

    Love the line “patience is like a shawl that all of us have had to wrap ourselves”

    Happy Ramadam


  • swatiabhi

    May 29, 2017 at 11:02 am

    Hi Syeda, Ramadan Kareem to you and your loved ones. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this, exactly what i needed to read.


  • aboutparentandkid

    May 29, 2017 at 11:31 am

    Profound post and videos. There is so much to learn . As mothers also we need to understand ways to imbibe patience in ourselves


  • zainab

    June 13, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    Really nice post, I think I’m going to make my children see the videos! And, remind myself daily about ‘patience’ or ‘sabr’ too!


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