Never Say Never

After 34 years of doing everything that I have done, I have finally found the common thread in it all. I am the kind of person who has lived by the ‘never say never’ motto, even without knowing it. Circumstances hold a great power in everyone’s life, many decisions are made based on not what we ideally want to do or aspire for, but simple as per circumstances.

In my life, I have noticed curve balls in everything. While I plan something, it all goes in a whole diff direction. And while it may seem like I am all over the place, I am actually being flexible, and taking what comes my way in terms of opportunities and trying to make the most of them. I truly believe Gods plan is the best and He has taken me out of situations I didn’t know how to get out of, and put me in situations I didn’t know I needed to be.

So as life proceeds, and we see certain patterns, we also learn more about ourselves. Clarity is a luxury, it doesn’t come easy, it takes courage to ask yourself the tough questions, to question your own actions and behavior. And then answer them and deal with them. It’s definitely not easy, yet incredibly important. We can’t become better versions of ourselves, unless we put ourselves in the spot. It is easy to involve ourselves in others business, and tell them how to do things, because we’re not emotionally invested in the journey or the pain. It’s tough to deal with our own piled up garbage and skeletons.

Never say never is my thing now. I tell everyone to live by it, I feel the people I come across need to hear it, that’s the reason they have come my way and vice versa. I believe we live too much of our life second guessing our own capabilities, and people try to coddle us through what is familiar and easy as well. But it’s the people who give you the hope, and the people who openly share their struggles and laugh out loud at their stupidity that give strength. And we all need that kind of strength.

So I am now consciously saying, ‘never say never’ to myself as I navigate the rest of my life. Whatever it may bring, the adventures, the tortures, the good and the bad. Because what does not trying bring? stagnancy, and familiarity.


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