Fashion Friday: Shoes I just cant get myself to wear

My oh My!…Shoes can do to an outfit what no one can imagine. All moms out there have all the postpartum weight which can make you look shorter than you are. So who comes to the rescue? High Heeled shoes!…


Now I’ve always loved those skinny heeled shoes with all the glam and feminine appeal, however I could never get myself to buying them because of the practicality issue. When you’re with a toddler you have to be comfortable in the shoes you wear, you’ll have to run behind them, take them to the loo, and what not. If you’re not used to running in high heels you should just spare yourself the embarrassment. Here are some that I wish I could don more often so that I would finally get used to the high heeled phenomenon.

ImageI am working on many hardcore new year resolutions, and one of them is going to be donning these shoes and having a more fun shoe collection. I prefer shoes over sandals, they are more comfortable for me, and also very versatile, they can easily be worn with Indian and western ensembles.


  • Insha Khan

    November 4, 2013 at 6:44 am

    Bang on about the looking shorter after having a baby!! lol. Ur right for three odd months I just wore flats and they made me feel all clumsy …..that’s when I decided I need to get back in to my o so lovely heels!!! And I wear them as often as I can!


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