6 years ! Wow! I remember the time when Batool was born, her tiny preemie body and I used to pacify myself with thoughts that one day she will go to school and be big and healthy.
The dreams never end, but as she grows older the only dream I have for her is to be a great human being, who is just , patient and responsible. Just want her to be the best version of herself so that more than anyone else in the world she should be proud of herself.
As her mother all I can do is pray, and work towards this goal with every hopeful opportunity I get, and hustle.
I got her three presents this year, a book (Fun on the farm) , a puzzle ( All the 7 days
) and a framed pic of me and her so every time she misses me she can simply see the pic.
Patience and tests of human beings require the most endurance. I have realised that a relationship with God is the only relationship that is needed to save any relationship on earth. Been a mother for six years and am proud to be one for the rest of my life to this amazing girl who has served as a means for me to get closer to Allah swt. And continues to do so with patience and inspiration.
Azra Razavi
May 21, 2016 at 7:18 pm
Allàh swt bless you n your daughter….
Mashallah Congratulations!! 🙂
Mohammed Barkathullah
May 25, 2016 at 5:52 pm
Belated Happy Birthday your daughter….